America Against America, Table of Contents
America Against America by Wang Huning
Wang Huning is a member of the Chinese pulitburo. He is widely considered on of the most powerful theoreticians in China, and works as head of the Chinese Policy Research Office and chairman of the Central Guidance Commission on Building Spiritual Civilization.
In 1991 Wang Huning toured the US as a visiting scholar. He wrote a book about his experiences, called America Against America. Despite being subject to a lot of media attention some years ago, this book has never been fully translated.
Tikhanov Library will be releasing a full English translation later this year, complete with annotations.
I. On Uneven Ground
The uneven development of society and its various features.
II. An Ancient Political Spirit
The values that dominate political life and their flux.
The Mayflower
Political Creed
Equality or Freedom
The Constitution's Bicentennial
Political Gene
Political Traditions
The Third Republic
III. A Colorful National Character
The diverse character of the nation and its social efficacy.
An International People
New and Different
Space Shuttle Misdirection
Work Ethic
Sexual Liberation
The Lonely Heart
Future World
People Are Always Human
IV. Multileveled Societal Control
The formal and informal mechanisms that regulate people's lives.
The Invisible Hand
Money Governs Society
Human Standardization
Legal Culture
Taxation System
Scientific Administrators
Cats and Dogs are not Free
V. Interwoven Political Power
The political forces active in society and their relations.
Rule of Donkey and Elephant
Parties Share the Spoils
Interest Groups
Radical Organizations
Pluralism or Meritocracy?
Participative Democracy
VI. Incomplete Elections
The democratic and non-democratic elements in election campaigns.
Battle for the White House
Road to the Presidency
A Tri-County Democratic Party Luncheon
TV Debate
A Representative's Dream
Election Day
Who rises and falls?
VII. Political Pyramid
Top-down political operations and their characteristics.
Capitol Hill
Fifty States
County Politics
Politics in the Cities
Grassroots Politics
Selection of Officials
Contacting Representatives
VIII. Soft Governance
Non-political coordination mechanisms and socialized regulation.
Drivers Licenses
Factory Principles
A Company is Not a Democracy
Human Services
Coca-Cola Headquarters
God on Earth
IX. Reproducing the System
The reproduction of culture, values and even institutions and the connection with education.
The Educational System
The Kennedy School of Government
Talent Factories
The US Naval Academy
Educational Exports
A Furnace of Technology
X. Active Intelligence
The role of ideas in the development and management of society.
'Knowledge Factories'
The Brookings Institute
The Carter Center
The Secretary of Defense's Talk
Regional Affairs Centers
Think Tanks
City Libraries
XI. Hidden Crises
The various undercurrents that threaten future development.
Family Values
An Ignorant Generation?
Wandering Youths
America has its own Poisons
Criminal Underworld
A Beggar Nation
Black Crisis
The Natives' Situation
A Mental Crisis
Empire of the Sun
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